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Ergonomics Office Chair

Office chairs are essential furniture that is essential for the work of people. The cost of office chairs available on the market differs. You can find office chair priced at hundreds of yuan, and office chairs that cost one thousand dollars. If you purchase it on the internet or read the shopping guides when you purchase an item in the physical shop, you’ll be presented with a term: “Ergonomics.” What exactly is “human ergonomics”? What is the main difference from the “ergonomics” office chair and the standard office chair? What’s the reason the cost on an “ergonomics” office chair slightly more expensive than the typical office chair?

What is “ergonomics”?

Ergonomics is a term used to describe ergonomics. It’s which is also known in the terms “human factors engineering” and “human factors.” Interdisciplinarity between human sciences and technological science. Examine the interaction between humans and machines, as well as the natural environment. It takes the human-machine-environment system as the research object, and applies the knowledge of psychology, physiology, anatomy, anthropometry, biomechanics and other related disciplines to the system design to adapt it to the physiological and psychological characteristics of human beings. Improve the efficiency of the entire system, to ensure and improve the safety of individuals in their work, health, and daily life.

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